5 Ways to Get Fit in London This WeekBy Rachel Harrison
Have you ever found yourself in a gym rut? Some people don’t even realise they’re in one.
It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but, usually, a ‘gym-rut-workout’ starts with the treadmill or cross trainer, a few squats, followed by rolling around on one of those fun-looking-large-blow-up-exercise-balls, a Spotify playlist that hasn’t been changed in months, partly because of laziness but also limited data allowance and to top it off, head-over-heel crushes on every PT in the gym because you can’t decide on just one. Here are five of the most diverse and exciting fitness classes currently available in London for you to try this week:
1. For Acrobatics: Flying Fantastic
What: Test out your aerial fitness ability with Flying Fantastic’s range of aerial acrobatic classes.
Why: All classes incorporate a combination of climbs, tricks, drops and conditioning and offer drop in sessions to experiment with hoops, trapezes, slings, yoga and pilates. Incredible for a full body work out and sense of achievement after every class!
Where: 48 Culvert Rd, London SW11 5BB
Book here:
What: Hydro-Fit is cycling in water and combines three unique work out elements: water, bicycle and hydromassage.
Why: This particular exercise is a workout and spa treatment combined into one. As you begin pedalling the bike, inside your own private bath the movement of the water promotes natural exfoliation of your skin. Incredible for loosing weight, joint recovery and muscle development, and also encourages the break down of fat just below the skin. Bye bye cellulite.
Where: Locations here
Book now:
3. For Getting your Swag on: Seen on Screen
What: Hip Hop classes
Why: Get some practice in before hitting Inferno’s on Saturday night with a Swag Session at Soho Gyms in Clapham. The classes are open to all abilities and you will learn routines to the best hip-hop anthems from the past and present. Tactfully invite that friend of yours that dances on a night out like a backup dancer, yet sober, has two left feet.
Where: Various locations across London.
Book now:
4. For a Balancing Act: Ecole de Pole
What: Learn basic gymnastics skills and concentrate on handstands and balancing.
Why: If you thought handstands and cartwheels are for teens, you’re wrong. Learning how to do a handstand not only engages your core, back and shoulder muscles but will also help with your balance and improve your breathing techniques to help stabilise your position.
Where: 66 Rochester Pl, London NW1 9JX
Book now
What: Power Yoga with yoga star Emily Cohen
Why: Not everything fitness related has to be high paced for you to see the benefits. Core’s newest class power yoga encourages your body to flow, stretch and strengthen. Multiple poses will tone up and create a long lean posture to your body. Classes are 55 minutes and sign up today with Core and receive your first class free.
Where: 45 Phillimore Walk, Holland Park, London, W8 7RZ