The end of the year is a time of celebration but also a time of reflection. So much can change in a year and Christmas and New Years eves often act as a touchstone to force us to really consider that. And as 2016 is almost upon us, the new year new me brigade are just around the corner, lamenting food-babies, shunning alcohol and hashtagging into cliché.

Don’t get me wrong, I think New Years resolutions are great. Any opportunity to reflect and plot progress is positive, however I think resolutions, especially health and fitness ones are often misguided. Firstly, people are impatient, we want to be rewarded with an immediate psychological and physical transformation. And with that, people attach an unqualified degree of happiness to achieving goals, meeting a deadline, getting to a certain weight. But the truth is, this said happiness won’t be satisfying. “When I get X I’ll be happy” doesn’t work. And this anti-climax leaves us either striving for something more – leading to a self-destructive, punishing cycle or feeling disheartened and giving up, defiantly reverting to old habits.

Jaqueline Hurst - Press & Pr for Website

The New Year follows a season of extremes: of heavy partying, eating and spending, meaning that January is a season of radical change with pious traditions including ‘dry january’ ‘veganuary’ and other all-or-nothing-im-invented-mainly-because-im-a-pun’ lifestyle subscriptions. Whilst abstaining from alcohol and going cold turkey on certain animal products may be a good thing, it exposes how the January mindset is one of extremes – which isn’t a natural environment for a healthy, namely sustainable, habit to be formed.
Resolutions fail because we lose sight of why we set them. A juice cleanse won’t get you a pay rise, being paleo won’t make you a nicer person and a gluten-free squat challenge won’t make you happy. We often prioritise and detach the objective away from what we really need. The Life Class, an online life coaching service, gets to the root of just that; it forces you to evaluate what you need to prioritise, it teaches you how to cope with challenges, overcome insecurities and banish unhealthy mindsets. Which ever kind of new leaf you need to turn, this framework of support ensures that any change will be with your best interests at heart.
So how does it work? 
The Life Class is an online life coaching service, with six modules, which you can complete at your own pace, at any time, wherever you like. Each module contains video tutorials and worksheets for you to download and keep. After each class, you’ll have a self-development worksheet which allows you to put the concepts you’ve learned into action. You also have access to the supportive team who work at The Life Class, and can send in any questions you may have.
Founder, Jacqueline Hurst, explains: “Our web-based Life Class Foundation Course training is laser-focused, strategic, extensive, rigorous, sometimes a little crazy and always amazing fun. This is a beautiful journey of self-discovery where people are guided to do their own work, find their own clarity and go on their own personal journey.”
How much does it cost?
£199. When you consider that this will ultimately change the way you manage your mind and your life, this is very reasonable.
So whatever change you’d like to pursue in 2016, the Life Class will help you discover whether this is to serve the best version of you and how the change can be sustainable.